Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Flibberty Jibbets

I think that I am losing my mind.  Misplacing things, forgetting things, and ruining things because of thoughtlessness.  Case in point, you should never, not ever put your camera near your iron!!!

Especially if it is your husband's camera!  This is what you get. 

Then you have to make one of these!!!  Oh, this is much more comfortable anyhow.  Since it is Treasure's camera, I refrained from girly colors.  No purple, sniff.

Also, while talking on the phone with Dee, I managed to lose a whole stack of our favorite recipes.  It only took about 3 seconds!!  I was going to copy some of them for a friend, walked into the next room to get blank cards, when I came back they were gone.  Poof!  There weren't any elves in sight to blame.  Totally my fault.  We have been searching for them for an hour!!!!  I wish my house were big enough to justify the time spent!  (Insert nervous chuckle)  I think that I might just be a little...flibberty jibbets.

Blessings to you all,


  1. i nearly toasted the quilt i was working on the other day because i walked away and it was touching the iron....near catastrophe. the strap you made is a nice bonus

  2. Dudette, so love the new camera strap! Very chic, modern and still feminine enough for me to like! LOL

    I was hoping you'd found the cards by now and that one of them wasn't the pizza that Javi wants at his graduation bash!


  3. Yikes--on the strap and the recipe loss. But the new strap looks great. And when I finish my cookbook, I'll send you a copy so you can beta test it!

  4. I've had similar mishaps with the iron, placed things on top of a stove burner and then turned that burner on by mistake, etc. I've also burned myself many times on the iron, stove, oven, etc. Need I go on? You are not alone!

  5. So glad no one was hurt besides the camera strap. I love the fabric you chose to repair your husband's strap. Manly but still sophisticated. Good luck recovering your missing recipes.

  6. That came out Great! I bet Treasure is glad that his broke:)


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