I am coming to grips with the fact that I will not finish much more on my list, you know, the
doo list! We did get our tree up and have been enjoying it very much. Still, The Christmas Quilt 2 is not even under the sewing machine yet. But we have visited two nursing homes to spread cheer. Much more important!
Since I haven't really been sewing much, I thought I would share some things that I have completed in the past.

I can't even remember how long ago I did this! It still hangs in our entry way. I love being home with those I love,
especially during the holidays.

This hangs near the first. It is a beaded sampler. I loved doing this, but don't have this much sit down time anymore. I used a Christmas gift from my mother-in-love to purchase the materials. Soon after, I found out that I had thyroid cancer. Needless to say, I then had sit down time. God carried me through, and eleven years later, I am still in His arms.
This is a gift that I gave Treasure a couple of years ago for Christmas. The picture reminds me of the sunsets out our living room window.
As we are nearer Christmas, I struggle, Mary or Martha? Should I rest in His arms or tackle the doo-doo list? I choose Christ.
If you need encouragement to dive into the quiet beauty of the season, visit here. I hope that you are all as blessed by the visit as I was!
I likely will not be posting anymore until after the Holidays.
Many Blessings and Merry Christmas!